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The Effects Marijuana Has On A Cat:
  • DON'T do it! It could possibly kill the cat. Think about it .... humans take it, animals don't so that puts humans low on the food chain! Leave the cat alone!
  • Cats will hardly ever ingest the plant (Marijuana) of their own accord, however they are very susceptible to the effects of marijuana smoke, something which can be quite noticeable. Effects on the cat are lethargy, and uncoordinated movement, occasionally coupled with wide bright eyes. They are extremely relaxed, often rolling onto their backs, and sprawling out. They are usually very quiet when under the effects. They are never panicked or upset, yet smoke close to them especially in their face can be too much for the cat. Toxicity is low, it takes over a gram of marijuana per pound of body weight for it to be fatal; however, cats ingesting marijuana or THC will become very lethargic. Some hallucinate, or are noticeably uncoordinated; they may shake or stumble. Most vomit, sometimes for forty-eight hours or more, although the cat will stop vomiting after twenty-four hours. This can happen intermittently or consistently until the effects wear off, especially lethargy. While cats sleep often, if lifted up, an affected cat may not resist; its body might hang limp. This could happen even after the cat has begun to walk around or jump and play a bit, too. If your cat does ingest marijuana, watch it for at least forty-eight hours (especially check for vomiting), because it can breathe in the vomit which can cause death. If your cat is not eating, drinking, licking (if even just a little bit), purging, if its eyes will not open, if you think it is experiencing pain, if it is whining, or if it does not respond well within twenty-four hours, contact your vet. While marijuana alone is not highly toxic, the symptoms themselves can cause serious illness, injury, or death. Note: It is interesting to note that catnip, and types of marijuana are quite closely related plants. Yet each plant has different chemicals acting upon the user.

    However, although the cat seems to express a lot of the symptoms usually associated with the effects of marijuana on humans, we must remember they are not humans. Marijuana could have unknown, unseen detrimental effects to the animal, and as such, cats should not be subjected to the use of it. EVER

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11y ago
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12y ago

NO there is not a single recorded death in the HISTORY of its use. The worste it will do it make your cat freak out or go to sleep, as its effects are felt different with animals. I wouldn't recommend it, but no they wont die.

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11y ago

Probably, although the cat may need to ingest a great deal of marijuana before it becomes toxic.

However, you should not provide marijuana for your cat - cats are not small humans and can react very differently to drugs that are relatively harmless in humans.

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14y ago


No the cat will not die they may get a little sick depending on how much they ate, but just let the cat ride it out, Mr. Whiskers will be fine.


If your cat has ingested marijuana, it is advisable to take it to the vet immediately. A small dose will probably not kill the cat, but marijuana can cause a cat to be sick (ie. Vomiting or diarrhoea), and can even change the heart rate.

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12y ago

Nothing. Eating buds of marijuana will not produce a high, for humans or animals. THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) is not water-soluble; it is fat-soluble. It must first be cooked in a fatty substance (such as butter or oil) to release the THC. Then the THC-saturated butter or oil can be cooked into foods such as cookies or brownies.

If the cat ate some pot cookies, it might get high, but there would be no serious adverse effects. The cat might freak out and become frightened and disoriented, but it wouldn't be physically harmed by the experience. Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen, and has virtually no physiological effect on the body. It can raise your heart rate a little, but other than that, it only affects your perception, not your body's physical processes.

People have been getting their dogs and cats stoned for as long as marijuana has existed as a recreational drug. Most people who smoke pot and have cats or dogs have tried blowing the smoke in their faces from time to time. Usually the pets don't like the smoke and will run away from it, but some of them enjoy it or don't mind it.

My younger cat always liked to sit in my lap when I smoked pot. The older one would jump down and run off if I started smoking while he was in my lap, but the little one would always stay. Maybe she got a little stoned and enjoyed it, or maybe the smoke just didn't bother her, I don't know. It's kinda hard to tell if a cat is stoned because they're such weird, quirky animals to begin with.

A friend of a friend of mine had a dog that really loved to get stoned. The guy would sit on his front porch and smoke a joint, and the dog would come up and put its paws in his lap and its head up to his face, and he'd blow the smoke in the dog's face.

Getting your pets stoned is probably not something that should be encouraged, but if they do breathe in a little smoke or eat a piece of pot cookie, they'll be fine.

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14y ago

I sure hope not, or Mr. Bibbles is dying as we speak!

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15y ago

its gets them high and they keep saying weed...

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12y ago

Anything that can breath in smoke can get high from Marijuana.

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12y ago

Yes and then they eat up all the cat food and treats. My cat loves it.

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