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Domestic ferrets have lost any ability to survive on their own in the wild and will die in about three days, unless a predator gets to them first. Ferrets are totally dependent on humans.

Ferrets are not captive animals, they were domesticated before the dog or cat. They are caged for their protection and sleeping, otherwise they should have a least 4 hours daily supervised time out of their cage in a ferret proofed environment Ferrets can and should always be trained to come to you when called.

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15y ago

If ferrets become extinct, then they will no longer exist. It would be impossible to see a ferret in anyone's lifetime because they would not exist. It could potentially lead to the eradication of the history of the ferret over time as well.

the above answer to the question is about domestic ferrets.

If it was meant for black footed ferrets, here is the answer:

The black footed ferret in North American is considered extinct in the wild, and is being bred in captivity to ensure their survival. A special program in ongoing to release and hopefully re-establish them in protected areas. Furthermore they have frozen sperm, and domestic ferrets can be surrogates for breeding. But one problem is that some people view prairie dogs (food source and prey for black footed ferrets) as pest and continue to poison and eradicate them. That is the reason the black footed ferret became instinct in the first place.

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