Nothing in particular.
If a dog drinks ONLY human milk, it's not likely to do especially well. Dog milk has about twice as much fat, eighttimes as much protein, and half as much lactose as human milk.
Yes. The same thing can happen to people, and it sometimes does.
Its Pitbull in Hey Baby (drop it to the floor)
If they have their junk still, yes. Where do you think baby pitbulls come from?
No for the baby to get addicted it has to be the mother who drinks alcohol so the through her the baby gets it.
is this suppose to be a trick question? Because pitbull's can't have baby's but a pitbull can have up to 8 puppies
Pitbull bye baby.
you don't need to even feed it
hey baby -pitbull drop it to the floor
a baby chick drinks water and milk.
Energy drinks from reputed brands are most probably safe for your baby.
I like it by Pitbull
The baby will get a little sick, but it will be fine