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Q: What were the monkeys left to take care of in the Indian fable silly monkeys?
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Related questions

What do monkeys feed there young and why?

to take care

How does monkeys raise its babies?

with love and care

How do monkeys care for there young?

well monkeys take care of them very well they feed them carry them and love them just like a human would do to there own child

Are sea-monkeys good pets?

Sea monkeys are great pets and they don't take much care.

What zoo takes care of monkeys?

a monkey zoo

How do I live?

flying monkeys

What is the difference between chimpanzees and baboons?

i don't know and i don't care! actually i do care :)

Who take care of spider monkeys babies?

The mother of a baby spider monkey takes care of it.

What will happen in the future for monkeys?

they will rule the world!! i do not know/do not care

When was Indian Journal of Palliative Care created?

Indian Journal of Palliative Care was created in 1995.

How can you use the word frivolous in a conversation about money?

without care: silly.

How long do the hybrid spider monkeys care for there offspring?

a few months