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By God i tell you what!...that thang was in my backyard in macclenny and it was every bit of 1000 pounds and at least 10 feet tall!! i shot 'em with a machine gun 158 times and he just walked away

-Troy McDowell-

Macclenny Florida

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a 86 point buck

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reindeer and carboo

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Pike County, Illinois 1987

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Q: What was the biggest deer ever killed in the US?
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No US president was ever killed in an airplane or any kind of accident. The president of Poland was killed in April , 2010 .

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In terms of destruction of life an property, probaby the infamous Chicago Fire of l87l.

Is it legal to send deer head or deer horn wall mount from UK Scotland to India?

i do not now, but if it is illegal i think that is not fair, because they are animals,good animals they do not do anything bad to us, so we shout not go to their habitads and killed them or destroy their happiness on the wild.