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A deficiency of vitamin A means you could have problems with night vision. An excess of vitamin A doesn't make you see in the dark "better than normal", though.

Neither of them has anything to do with whether you need glasses or not.

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Q: What vitamin is good for eye sight d or a?
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No, vitamin D is not from jade stone. Vitamin D is an animal product. Good food sources of vitamin D are milk, eggs, fish, beef, etc. We can also produce vitamin D in our skin when it is exposed to ultraviolet radiation (usually from the sun).

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There is no known good natural source of vitamin D other than exposure to sunlight. If needed, there are always Vitamin D supplements, however these aren't as efficiently absorbed compared to the natural source.

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Tomatoes and lemons are good sources of Vitamin C. :D

Is sun good for you?

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Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Vitamin E Good for me, makes you pee Anything with the "ee" sound really.

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Vitamin D is produced by ultraviolet radiation on your skin. The UV light converts a precursor molecule to vitamin D.

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That is true you do need vitamin D in your daily intake

Is it good have orange juice daily?

Yes. You get a good sorce of vitamin D.

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yes, very