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there is only one type and it is a chimpanzee. lol

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Q: What types of chimpanzees are there?
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Related questions

What types of things do chimpanzees play with?

Well almost anything they see that looks fun to them. Most chimpanzees that are in zoos have rope or trees to climb.

What animals are like human mothers?

All types of monkeys mainly Chimpanzees.

What is a chimpanzees binomial nomenclature?

There are two types of chimpanzees. The common chimpanzee and the bonobo. The common chimpanzee's binomial nomenclature is Pan troglodytes, and the bonobo's is Pan paniscus.

What do chimpanzees certain types of wrenches and Davy Jones have in common?

they all have nothing to do with each other

Do chimpanzees get aten by other animals?

yeah it is commonly eaten by some types of parrot and amazonians.

Are chimpanzees invertebrates or vertebrates?

Chimpanzees are mammals. Because of that, they have a backbone. Therefore, Chimpanzees are vertebrates.

What do chimpanzees have in their environment?

what is an an environment of an chimpanzees

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What can be done to save chimpanzees?

A United Nation of peace messanger help the chimpanzees from the illegal hunters that were trying to kill the chimpanzees. Her name was Jane Goodall that was the protecter of the chimpanzees.

How do chimpanzees reproduse?

Chimpanzees use external fertilization

Do chimpanzees have to move to be safe?

Yes, chimpanzees are intelligent

What class are the chimpanzees in?

Chimpanzees are in class Mammalia (mammals).