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Contingent reward --The leader uses rewards or incentives to achieve results when expectations are met. Passive management by exception --The leader uses correction or punishment

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Q: What types of behavior does transactional leadership encompass?
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Types of leadership: Democratic Leadership. Autocratic Leadership. Laissez-faire leadership. Strategic Leadership. Transformational Leadership. Transactional Leadership. Coach-Style Leadership. Bureaucratic Leadership.

What are the different leadership styles?

There are several leadership styles, each with its unique approach to guiding and motivating teams. Autocratic leadership involves making decisions independently, while democratic leaders involve team members in decision-making. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate through a compelling vision, while transactional leaders focus on tasks and rewards. Servant leaders prioritize the well-being of their team. Laissez-faire leaders provide autonomy to team members, and situational leaders adapt their style to specific situations. Charismatic leaders use their personal charisma to influence others. The choice of leadership style depends on the situation, organizational culture, and individual leadership preferences.

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Types of organizational behavior include individual behavior (such as motivation and communication), group behavior (such as teamwork and leadership), and organizational culture (such as values and norms). These aspects influence how individuals and groups interact within an organization, impacting its overall performance and effectiveness.

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there are mainly four different types of leadership autocratic , braucratic, democratic and laizze fairer

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The five types of behavior are innate behavior (instinct), learned behavior (conditioning), social behavior (interactions with others), emotional behavior (expressions of feelings), and adaptive behavior (adjusting to the environment).

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What are different types of organization in organisational behavior?"

How many types of management?

There are five different types of management styles. These styles include, the transformational style, participative style, autocratic style, laissez-faire style, and transactional style.

Types of good behavior?

helping others and not asking for anything in return.

What types of leadership skills does the job require?

go to Summer Leadership Camp at Brescia College

What types of behavior is best classified as a form of social behavior?

courtship behavior

What are the two basic types of behavior?

There are two types of basic human behavior. Innate behavior, which is automatic and exhibited by all individuals. Learned behavior, which is modified by experience and will vary. Both of these behaviors are triggered by stimulus.