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An In-vertebrate. As in, they are not vertebrates at all. Ants are arthropods and have external skeletons, while vertebrates such as dogs, have internal skeletons

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A giant anteater is a vertebrate.

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Q: What type of vertebrate is a anteater?
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Is an anteater an invertabrate?

An anteater is a vertebrate. It has a backbone (spine) or it would not be able to walk around. An anteater is a vertebrate. It has a backbone (spine) or it would not be able to walk around. An anteater is a vertebrate. It has a backbone (spine) or it would not be able to walk around.

Is a tamandua a vertabrate?

A tamandua is an anteater, a mammal, so yes it is a vertebrate.

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A fox is a vertebrate in the mammal classification.

What is the most common type of anteater?

Giant Anteaters

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A killer whale is considered a type of vertebrate. It is a type of mammal, and they are vertebrates with spines.

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Humans belong to the class mammalia of vertebrate.

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A crane is a type of bird and is a vertebrate.

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A Feline.

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An Axolotl is like a type of salamander so it is in the Amphibian vertebrate group :)

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What type of a vertebrate is a mouse?

The mouse is a mammal

What type of mammal is an anteater?

An anteater is a placental mammal, unless one is referring to the spiny anteater of Australia and New Guinea, more correctly known as the echidna.Tthe echidna is a monotreme, or egg-laying mammal.