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Q: What type of sentence is what a smart lead dog she is?
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What type of dog is best off the lead?

The type of dog does not matter it is all about how well trained they are although you may want to get a smart dog so hopefully it will learn faster. If you want a smart dog I would steer clear of Maltese and cocker spaniels as they seem to not be as smart as say a lab or a golden retriever. So basically the type of dog doent really matter.

What type of sentence is the dog?

"The dog" isn't a sentence because it doesn't have a verb. If you are asking what part of speech it is, "the" is an article, and "dog" is a noun.

What type of sentence is this Old Bluey was a stray dog?

It is a declarative sentence.

Can you put the word lead into a sentence?

i lead the army i lead the country i take my dog a walk on a lead (endless possiblitys) ! i was leading when a leader came up and leaded me!

How do you use loose into a sentence?

the dog was turned loose, for he had been pulling at the lead for some time.

Whitch type of compound does the sentence contain Tania feeds and brushes her dog daily?

The sentence contains a compound sentence.

What type of verb is wants in the sentence the dog wants a bone?


How do you put the word poet in a sentence?

I was a poet and I didn't even know it. A poet is a subject, and is therefore used the same way as any other would be. The dog is smart...The poet is smart.

Do you have a sentence for our?

"Sure, what type of sentence are you looking for?"

Can you put Doberman in a sentence?

Yes you can Example : The Doberman was barking at me (Doberman:a type of dog)

What type of verb is barked in the sentence the dog barked?

A verb is something you do, for example, "run", "jump", etc. "Bark" would be the verb in the sentence, "The dog barked."

How can you rove that a stupid dog is actually a lot smarter than a smart dog?

Train the dog and teach it tricks. Then you can say that it is alot smarter than a smart dog.