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the type of monkey has a cheek pouch is Macaques and the others.....

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Q: What type of monkey has a cheek pouch?
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What is a macque?

There may be a misspelling. Did you mean "macaque"? If so, a macaque is a type of monkey found in parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. They are known for their cheek pouches and diverse social behaviors.

Can guinea pigs store food in body?

No, they are not like hamsters. They do not have a pouch in their cheek. They store reserve energy in the form of fat.

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The medical terminology combining form "bucc-" refers to the cheek area. It is used in medical terms related to structures or conditions of the cheek, such as buccal mucosa (inner lining of the cheeks) or buccinator muscle (a muscle in the cheek).

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What happens when your hamsters left cheek is swollen?

Well it really depends about what you mean! The pouch may be stuffed with food or he/she might have an infection and you should see a vet. Is the pouch any other color than normal? Does your hamster appear in pain? I suggest lightly feeling your hamsters cheek and you can decide if its just food or it might need medical inspection.

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a mandrill is considered an Old time monkey. so yes there are a type of monkey

What species is the howler monkey?

it is a type of monkey