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Q: What type of home was made from prairie turf?
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What type of surfaces are used for playing football?

Natural grass, artificial turf, and the new manufactured turf which looks like grass but made out of rubber.

What type of soil is found in the marsh?

There are differing types of marshland. A common type of soil found in marshland is peat. Peat is a turf made from decaying vegetation.

How was Vietnam a different kind of war?

Vietnam was a type of guerrilla warfare, when a group of aggressive individuals on their home turf live "underground" and launch random attacks on invading forces. This type of warfare only works if it has the support of natives, so that is why terrorists have tried and failed to use this warfare on us on our turf.

Is prairie a person place thing or idea?

A prairie is a thing, a type of landform. When speaking of a particular region such as the Canadian prairie or the American prairie, it is a place.

What type of creature is a prairie dog?

prairie dogs are rodents. (was fixed to make easier)

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What type of oil for kawasaki prairie 400?

Oil type

What type of home do Greenlandic people live in?

Igloos, tents and turf huts represent the historic type of home of Greenlandic peoples. Bones, driftwood and furs also show up as building materials. Sod, stone and wood tend to predominate from the eighteenth century onward.

Is there a shoe brand that starts with q?

There is a type of horseshoe called "Queens Plate". It is an aluminum thoroughbred shoe made for racing on turf (grass).

What type of soil is prairie?

Prairies typically have deep, rich soils that are dark in color and fertile. These soils are known as mollisols and are high in organic matter content, making them well-suited for supporting a wide variety of plant life.

What type of soil does Nebraska have?

Nebraska has a variety of soils, including loess soils, sandy soils, and clayey soils. The predominant soil types in Nebraska are silt loams, which are fertile and well-draining, making them suitable for agriculture. The state's soils vary depending on the region and landscape characteristics.

Where can you get a Little House on the Prairie intro?

Go to Google and type in Little House on the Prairie and you can read all about it.