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Q: What type of fish do orcas eat?
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Do orcas eat barracudas?

According to research, barracudas, unlike in the movie, DO NOT eat any type of fish egg.

Do orcas eat turtles?

No, not normally. Usually, they eat seals and fish.

Do orcas eat every thing?

No. There are two different types of orcas. Residents eat only fish, transients will eat other marine mammals.

Do orcas eat sea turtles?

No, not normally. Usually, they eat seals and fish.

What whales do orcas eat?

Fish, squid, baby whales and other marine animals

What do killer whales in captivity eat and how much?

The type of food a killer whale eats depends on the type of killer whale(orca) resident orcas usually eat smaller pray such as fish and live in one area. transient orcas are travelling orcas and need to adapt to different food types so they basically eat anything they can get: seals, dolphins, otters even larger whales like gray whales!

What kind of food do dolphins eat?

Bottlenose dolphins eat fish and rays. Orcas, the largest of all dolphins, eat fish, but they have also been known to eat penguins and seals.

What eats a sea otter?

they eat octopuss,fish,squid,andshellfish.

Have orcas ever eat people?

They don't eat people, but then most people would say, "No!Don't go there that's dangerous orcas. But then, well yeah, its true that orcas are very dangerous but then, they do not eat you! They eat fish or something! They just attack you because they are very sensitive and nervous around you! But still, never ever EVER EVER!, go through a swarm of orcas.

What do Orcas eat in Antarctica?

Orca whales are naturally comfortable in liquid water, including that which surrounds Antarctica.

What is a dolphin's diet?

They eat fish.

What eat salmon?

Bears, wolves, eagles, seagulls ( when the salmon are young ), orcas, and other fish. Also humans eat alot of salmon