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Areas with high daytime temps, high sunlight, and droughts, so sand desserts and some others.

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Q: What type of environment do C4 plants live in?
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Are C3 or C4 plants aquatic?

C4 plants are usually not aquatic, as they are more commonly found in dry, warm environments. C3 plants can include both terrestrial and aquatic plants, as they are more adaptable to different environmental conditions.

What do c3 and c4 plants have in common?

C3 and C4 plants are both categories of plants based on the type of photosynthetic pathway they use. Both types of plants undergo the Calvin cycle to fix carbon dioxide and produce sugar during photosynthesis. However, C4 plants have an additional carbon-concentrating mechanism that allows for more efficient photosynthesis in hot and dry conditions compared to C3 plants.

Is broccoli a c3 or c4 plant?

Well, broccoli is a c4 plant because plants that are in the section of c3 live in hot, dry temperatures and climates. So cacti would be a great example of c3 plants. Broccoli is not a c3 plant it is a c4 plant. So a way to remember this would be to say that warm or cool plants with rainy season and those whom actually get water more then once in every blue moon are c4 plants and then those whom get water few times a year and live in desert type climates are c3 plant. Hope this helped you, if you have anymore questions you may email me at

What is the value of Carbon dioxide compensation point in C3 and C4 plants respectively?

Around 50ppm for C3 plants and around 5ppm for C4 plants.

What type of plant will you find in the tropical rain forest c3 plants or c4 plants?

C3 due to the abundance of water. C4 and CAM plants tend to inhabit very dry environments and have adaptations that minimise photorespiration (a process that wastes ATP) and water loss.

Examples of c3 and c4 plants?

Examples of C3 plants include wheat, rice, and soybeans, which use the Calvin cycle for photosynthesis. Examples of C4 plants include maize, sugarcane, and sorghum, which utilize the C4 pathway for carbon fixation in photosynthesis, improving water-use efficiency.

What specialized structure is found in C4 plants?

C4 plants have concentric rings of mesophyll cells around vascular bundle sheath in the leaves.

Is wheat a C4 plant?

Technically, the answer is no because it does not have the anatomical structure of C4 plants. However, it has adaptation similar to C4 plants with regard to carbon dioxide use efficiency. (Ref. Mineral nutrition of higher plants : 2nd edt : pg 140)

Is leechi a c4 plant?

No, the lychee plant is not a C4 plant. It is a tropical plant that belongs to the Sapindaceae family, commonly grown in subtropical regions for its sweet and juicy fruit. C4 plants have a specific type of photosynthesis pathway that allows for more efficient carbon fixation in hot and dry conditions, which is not characteristic of lychee plants.

Are tomatoes C3 or C4 plants?


Is crabgrass a c4 plant?

Yes, crabgrass is a C4 plant. C4 plants have a specialized mechanism for carbon fixation that allows them to adapt to hot and dry conditions, making them well-suited for growth in environments where C3 plants may struggle.

Is pine a C4 plant?

No, pine trees are not C4 plants. They are considered C3 plants, which means they use the C3 photosynthetic pathway to fix carbon dioxide. C4 plants have a different mechanism to concentrate carbon dioxide during photosynthesis.