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Tabby cat.

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Q: What type of cat can Professor McGonagall transform into?
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Related questions

Does Minerva McGonagall turn into a cat or a hawk?

Minerva McGonagall turns into a cat. She is an Animagus who can transform into a tabby cat at will.

What is Professor Mcgonagall's patronus?

a cat

Who arrives on private drive disguised as a cat?

Professor McGonagall.

Is mcgonagall a type of cat?

No. There are similar words, for instance one particular fur pattern used to be called a "jellicle cat", a term which appears in Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats and in the musical Cats which was loosely based on it, but Professor McGonagall was not, as far as we know, named after a specific cat variety.

Who is the professor that turns into a cat and follows Harry Potter?

Professor McGonagall is the transfiguration professor at Hogwarts and can turn into a cat. She doesn't follow Harry around though, the cat that does that is Filch the caretakers cat Mrs Norris, who is not a transfigured human.

What did Professor McGonagall sit outside the Dursley's house as?

Minerva sat in her animagi form, which is a tabby cat.

Which professor turns into a cat?

If you are asking about the professors in the Harry Potter books and movies, it is Professor McGonagall, the Transfiguration teacher. She transforms into a tabby cat with markings around her eyes that are similar to her spectacles.

What kind of cat is Minerva McGonagall in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

A Bengal cat with a marble coat. They can be either spotted or marble, silver or gold.

Who teaches transfiguration in hogwarts?

Transfiguration was taught by Professor Albus Dumbledore. When he became headmaster he was replaced by Professor Minerva McGonagall.

Who is the cat in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?

The first cat we meet is Professor McGongall in her animal form, she is an Animagus which means she can transform into an animal at will.It is also mentioned that the Dursley's neighbour, and Harry's regular childminder, Mrs Figg owns several cats. In the second chapter she trips over one of them and breaks her leg preventing her from taking care of Harry on Dudley's birthday.Argus Filch, the caretaker at Hogwarts, owns a cat called Mrs Norris who wanders around the school and helps catch rule breakers. All of the students hate her.

Does Professor McGonagall have an animal in Harry Potter?

No animal is mentioned in any of the seven books. She can TURN INTO an animal, though - specifically, into a cat.

What would happen if professor mcgonagall turns into a cat and had a kid with a real cat?

Very good question, but this is a book-series for children, so it is never discussed in any of the books.