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Hello there! I have a dog she knows a lot of tricks

For example:

sit, stand, jump, lay, go get your eating bowl, catch, go get me that, stay, and a lot more

I even taught her to tell me if she wants food or water when she wants water she pulls my clothes and goes to her water bowl I and I give her water and when she wants food she does the same but goes to her food bowl

training a dog is easy if you start training it when you brought he/she

I have trained my dog by giving her treats if she obeys me I train her 1 hour per day and she sometimes even sleep next to me on my bed but I really mind it and the rest of the time she rest plays with me go on walks or just eat

and that's is my dogs per day rountine

you can teach your dogs any of the tricks I mentioned above

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Elvis Franecki

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3y ago
awsom ty!
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14y ago

Usually people teach their dogs how to 'stay' after they learn to 'sit' then after that most people teach their dogs how to 'lay down' and so forth.

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What are the steps in teaching beta tricks and what sort of tricks and how long will it take?

In nintendogs? Here are some really kool tricks: * Dance:( my dogs luv this) first teach your dog to beg. Then while it's begging, lift a paw up slowly and he/she should be standing and "dancing" click the light bulb and teach them :dance".(this trick does not come easy) * Back flip: (This is a simple but crowd pleaser trick)Teach your dog to sit. Once they have that down teach jump. After he/she learns that, have he/she first sit and then say jump. your dog should have done a back flip:

What is the first trick a dog should learn?

learn how to sit or lay down

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For you to get the "go out" button you have to teach your dog its name and how to sit. And then it should say now you can start your life with your dog and on your screen it should have the "go out" button! :)

After I teach my dog her name and how to sit what do I do after?

Try stay, come, down, lay down, shake or paw, and whenever you are finished with a trick say "okay" to release them.

How do you teach your dog to sit in Nintendogs?

just say in the mic sit

What should be the second trick to teach a dog?

'stay' is usually the second trick to teach a dog. first you teach your dog all the tricks needed if something where to happen. Just pretend your dog sees your neighbor walking another dog or maybe even a cat and your dog gets loose from the leash to attack your neighbors pet and right after it breaks free from the leash you yell "stay" or "sit" or even "lay down" you just saved your dogs life and your neighbors pets life. So its better if you teach your dog all the needed tricks and then after he knows those then you can get to the fun ones like shaking hands, jumping through a hoop, or even jumping rope. So please please please teach your dog the needed tricks first.

What is the main trick for a dog to start with?

the main one is to sit

How do you persuade that a dog is an apple and an apple is a dog?

How do you teach a dog sit? Just train it.

Can a 10 year old dog sit?

Yes just teach it to sit. The quote "you can't teach an old dog new tricks." isn't fact based.

What should you do to your dog?

Love it, pet it, be nice to it, take it for walks, potty train it, teach it tricks (sit, lay and roll over) and then you can show it at dog shows!

What is an example of learned behavior?

If you teach your dog a trick and then reward him with a treat when he performs the trick, this is an example of learned behavior. Over time, the dog learned that he would be rewarded for following your command.

How do you teach my dog sit?

Having a hard time teaching your dog sit? or want some help to teach your dog sit? You MIGHT be in the right place. The first thing i did to teach my dog sit, was that i took a piece of meat and showed it to my dog. I noticed that he wanted it because he was staring at it. So, i said "SIT" and it took him awhile to sit. XD When my dog sat, I said "Good Boy" and i gave the piece of meat to him. I kept doing it until he understood what "SIT" meant. OKAY, that was my side of the story. Let me tell you what you could do. :] The first thing you should do is get a treat, or w/e your dog LOVES to eat. And try to hold the piece of food/treat up in the air, and say "SIT". In awhile, or right away, your dog should SIT. If not, try to repeat the word "SIT" over and over. (REMEMBER) Make sure the piece of food/treat is your dog's favorite). If your dog sat, say "Good Boy/Girl" and give him the piece of treat/food. Keep on repeating the same thing. When you think your dog is ready for "SIT", say "SIT" to him. If he doesn't SIT in a long time, keep on trying to give him his favorite treat or food until he understands what "SIT" means. I HOPE this helped! :O