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Use rat poison. That's the best way i have found of dealing with them. May i ask how you have come to having many baby skunks in your house?

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Q: What to do with baby skunks that are hanging around my house?
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Related questions

When do baby skunks stink?

Baby skunks could spray on you because it's their natural way to defend themselves from their predators. If you have a group of baby skunks in your house, contact the Critter Guy if you're in Canada.

When do skunks have there babies?

In 1 litter, there can be up to 7 baby skunks. Usually there are around 4 born in each litter.

How many babies do skunks have?

In 1 litter, there can be up to 7 baby skunks. Usually there are around 4 born in each litter.

Give a sentence with the word coarse?

I could feel the difference in the coarse gray hairs my mother-in-law left hanging around the house and my wifes baby soft brown hair. I could feel the difference in the coarse gray hairs my mother-in-law left hanging around the house and my wifes baby soft brown hair.

Why are so many skunks out?

The baby skunks have fouled the nest.

Do baby skunks spary?

some do

What is the mix using goats milk for baby skunks?

Unless you have a wildlife permit, keeping skunks is illegal!

What is a skunk litter?

A skunk litter is baby skunks.

How many baby skunks per litter?


Is baby skunk spray as strong as adult skunks spray?


Will baby skunks die in their den if you close it?

Yes, if they have no other way out and mother skunk can't dig them out. A person really stinks, if they would block baby skunks in a den. Peggy W

Do baby skunks fight?

I would hope not. Otherwise PETA will have a fit.