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You should take it to the vet to get removed it can't be comfortable for the dog

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Q: What to do when your dogs back nail is curled and growing back into his paw?
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Related questions

How do you stop a hamsters nails growing?

You can't stop their nail growth, but if you noticed that they are getting curled up you should go to a vet so they can clip them.

Can a nail grow back?

Yes, usually they do, as do fingernails. Although if there was significant trauma to the nail bed prior to the surgical removal, that may result in the nail not growing back, or not growing back normal. But if the nail is surgically removed due to non-traumatic causes (such as a nail fungus), then the nail almost always grows back with no problems.

Can you put artificial nail tip on your toenail that fell?

You should not put artificial nails on an exposed toe. If the nail fell off, it should be protected until the nail grows back in.

What is the most actively growing portion of a nail?

The most active growing portion of the nail is the Lunula. The Lunula is the white lower part of your nail closest to your skin.

What is the Most active growing region in nail?

The nail matrix, located at the base of the nail, is the most active growing region. It is responsible for producing new nail cells, which then push older cells forward, causing the nail to grow.

Do nail keep growing when you die?


What does an overgrown guinea pig nail look like?

An overgrown guinea pig nail may appear long, curved, and sharp. It could curve around in a spiral shape and may cause discomfort or problems with walking for the guinea pig. Regular nail grooming is important to prevent overgrown nails in guinea pigs.

When does a toenail not grow back?

A toenail may not grow back if the nail bed is severely damaged or if there is damage to the nail matrix where the nail forms. In some cases, underlying medical conditions or treatments such as chemotherapy may also prevent a toenail from growing back.

How long is a dogs nail?

3 inches

What is the fastest growing nail on your hand?

Middle finger

Why do toenails stop growing?

actually your toenail can stop growing due to toenail fungus or in some cases ingrown toenails. with the ingrown toenail the nail is actually growing but unfortunately its growing into your toe under the skin. toe nail fungus will cause discoloration and will in some cases cause the nail to completely stop growing. you should see a doctor asap both can require surgery if left untreated

What finger boost's the fastest growing nail?

your middle finger