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Q: What to do if your horse eats too much green grass?
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A pony that eats to much grass or grain may develope?

This horse may founder and need medical attention and will get fat=)

Do horse eats much?

Horses eat a lot of food including wheat and grass.

Why does your horse manure look like cow pie?

Too much green grass?

What is it call when a horse eats too much?

A horse that eats a lot

A pony that eats too much grass or grain may develop?

Colic or founder. Depending on the symptoms. In horse isles case the answer is founder.

What eats the icelandic horse?

The Icelandic horse eats hay, grass, carrots, apples, barley, grains, horse mix, senior feed, hay blocks and pretty much anything a normal horse would eat. They only eat herbs though. They are herbivores. Just so you know, they are mammals.

Is sage grass harmful to horses?

Sage grass can be extremely harmful to horses. The plant will cause an intoxicating effect, which makes the horse prone to falling over and/or acting strangely. If a horse eats too much or is forced to eat sage grass exclusively, it may become poisoned and die.

Do deer's eat grass?

They do eat grass. Although though they much rather eat leaves

What animal eats a grass hopper?

chickens, turkeys, geese, pretty much any bird

Will peanut hay founder a horse?

Any hay can founder a horse, it is not what the horse eats but how much it eats. Some feed can founder a horse faster than others. Peanut hay is one of those.

Is it bad if you see a green horse?

A 'green horse' does not mean the horse is literally green, it means that the horse has minimal training, is still young, and has much to learn. However if you see a horse that is literally coloured green, then there is obviously something wrong with that horse!

What type of horse can not eat grass?

Any breed can eat grass, many breeds tho r more suseptable to colic or laminitis from eating too much grass. Especially spring grass that has the most nutrients at the roots and the early spring grass as it grow is easy for a horse to eat too much.