Typical hand warmers have ionizable iron in them, which is extremely toxic to dogs. I would strongly suggest calling your veterinarian immediately and following their instruction - if you can't get in touch with a veterinarian, pack your dog into the car and take him to your local emergency veterinarian immediately. If you have another hand warmer like what your dog ate, or the package it came in, take that with you so the examining veterinarian can see what exactly he/she is dealing with.
In a handwarmer, the energy conversion takes place from chemical energy to thermal energy. This occurs when the chemicals in the handwarmer react and produce heat, which then warms up the surrounding environment.
if a dog eats mice poison you should see a vet about it
It depends on how much the big dog eats and the small dog eats then you can measure them
food chain
if a dog eats ants its perfectly fine dogs eat everything
If a dog eats half of its portion, it will consume half of the amount of food it normally eats.
the evil rabbit
1 eats pop the other eats dog 1 eats pop the other eats dog