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First of all, I would give it some time. It's not unusual for it to take 6 months to a year to find a new job, depending upon the field that you're in. A company might want to hire you, but not have an opening at that moment. So, timing is important.

If money is a problem, get a part-time job or a full-time job in another industry, if you have to, to bring in some cash. Many, many people have waited tables or worked at a gas station while they were looking for a job.

I would keep trying. You should be contacting a minimum of 10 employers who actually need someone with your skills each week. After you have interviews, remember to stay in touch. Sometimes the most persistent person is the person who gets the job.

Network. Tell everybody you meet that you are looking for a job, and be specific about what kind. Ask if they know anyone who may be hiring. Visit your local library and ask the reference librarian for suggestions.

If it's been a year, I'd start asking myself some hard questions:

1) Am I applying for jobs that I'm not qualified for?

2) Am I trying to change industries without the proper training?

3) Is my personality wrong for this job?

4) Are there problems with my resume that prevent me from getting interviews?

5) Do I need to improve my interviewing skills because I'm getting interviews, but I'm not getting hired?

6) If I made mistakes in the past, did I learn from them and can I explain that to an interviewer effectively?

7) Can I have a friend check my references to make sure they're positive?

Finally, don't be afraid to take a lower level job and work your way up. The old saying that "it's easier to get a job when you have a job" is true! If you accept a position as assistant manager, you may find that someone else offers you a job as manager within a month or two.

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