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Keep a very close eye on the dog and call the vet. Your veterinarian will ask about how much your dog weighs, how much chocolate he/she ate and what kind of chocolate. Based upon this, the vet may recommend you bring the dog in for emergency treatment or may recommend you keep a close eye on your dog for a few days to make sure he/she doesn't have any adverse reactions.

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11y ago
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14y ago

If your dog ate chocolate and your afraid it won't survive and you don't have money for the vet. Then you will have to make your dog vomit its easy, because it has happen to me I know. 1.) You have to go and buy Hydrogen Peroxide give you dog 3 teaspoons every 10 minutes 3 times. 2.) I know why does that sound expensive well it isn't you can buy them at CVS for very little money; a small bottle cost $1.00 a medium bottle cost $1.29 and a large bottle cost $1.90. See its cheap isn't it, and don't worry your thinking well how much am I suppose to give my big dog little dog. Its all the same 3 teaspoons very 10 minutes 3 times, and don't worry about overdosing your dog because you can't. Why? Because its harmless to your dog.

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9y ago

Brush the dog's teeth and take them for a walk.

Dogs have no use for sugar, but it is still bad for their teeth and will still cause hyperactivity. Try to avoid giving your dog sugary products.

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15y ago

Make more fudge. Not likely the dog will suffer.

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13y ago

first if u gave the dog a bunch of chocolate then you shood take it to a pet hospital cuz itz gunna die idk bout catz but no chocolate for dogs for sure

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13y ago

Dogs shouldn't eat chocolate because they can get constipated and die from poisoning

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12y ago

The dog dies because chocolate is like poison to dogs

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