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Rabbits can mate at any time of the year. There is no specific set time, although it is more common to see young rabbits in the spring and summer months. In July. Other times rabbits mate are August, September, October, November, December, January, February, March, April, May and June. Rabbits give birth one month after mating and are ready to get pregnant almost instantly after birth.

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It depends wild rabbits will typically only do it in the spring or summer depending on food, domestic rabbits if kept in side could have babies all year.

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Q: What time of year do male and female rabbits mate?
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THE male pigeon usually coo's around the female and follow her for some time,if she feels interested she sits down and allow the to mate with her .From this time the pair stay together for their whole life. ONE IMPORTANT FACT IS THAT FEMALE CHOOSES HER MATE SIMILAR TO ITS PARENTS .

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