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They have very nice fur.

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Q: What texture of skin do beavers have?
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How does the texture of a T-Rex's skin feel?

the Tyrannasourousrexes texture feels like snake skin.

What is black cobras skin texture?

its texture is shiny and smooth

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How would you use texture in a sentence?

The texture of the fabric was rough and unpleasant against her skin.

Why doesnt your minecraft skin work on certain texture packs?

Because the image for the skin is located in the texture pack it self and it automatically uses that instead the skin you set up.

Texture of a walking stick?

they have a smooth texture, almost of wrinkled skin or smooth bark

What is the meaning of skin texture?

The texture of your skin is how your skin feels. For example if you had rough skin and somebody wanted to know what the texture of your skin was ( for any reason ) then you would say rough because that is the way it feels. Hope this helped :)

What are beavers made out of?

beavers are not and i can tell you as a fact not made out of wood. they are made out of different organs like us. e.g. skin,heart,lungs, brain,liver.........etc

How can you use the word texture in a sentence?

The texture of the fabric was soft and smooth against her skin.

What is the most obvious characteristic of the skin?

the most obvious characteristic of the skin is the colour and the texture.

What adaptations help protect Black racer snake?

texture of skin helps it move on the texture of ground

What is the texture of the skin of a live frog?

slimy , rough