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You can have a monkey for a pet as long as you have a license to care and purchase the monkey. You may have to check with your indvidual county laws, but almost anywhere, if you want an exotic animal such as that, you have to have a license; otherwise it's illegal.

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16y ago
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11y ago

States that require monkey permits: Delaware, Idaho, Michigan, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota

States that make owning monkeys illegal: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont,West Virgina, Wyoming

States with partial monkey bans (i.e. some species are banned): Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Texas

States with no bans or requirements: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin

In Canada:

Owning a Monkey is legal in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, British Columbia, and Manitoba.

The Task Force is currently conducting a very extensive county-by-county survey of the State of Texas. Of 253 counties surveyed, 198 responses have been received by the surveyors, Linda Brent and Amy Kessel. 91.4% of the responding counties had no regulations regarding ownership of nonhuman primates. Only for 7 counties and 3 cities do the regulations specifically mention "monkeys", "apes", "primates", or "nonhuman primates." Appendix B3 provides several examples of responses. The state requires a permit for certain species of animals (apes being the only primates on that list) - unless one has a USDA license. There are known to be many pet primate owners in the State of Texas and there are a large number of baby monkeys sold at exotic auctions.

All exotic livestock and ratites entering the state of Texas from any state, territory, foreign country or from any USDA-licensed quarantine facility shall be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection stating that they have been inspected by an accredited veterinarian and are free of external parasites and evidence of contagious and communicable disease. All ratites offered for.

Yes it is legal in Florida. BUT you have to have 1,000 hours documented experience with a primate, fill out a husbandry form (what they eat, size when mature, caging requirements, vet, USDA source of monkey, etc), 2 letters of recommendation from persons knowing you have the experience and one of those people must be licensed, as well as an application for a Class III permit with the Florida Fish & Wildlife office. (Capuchins are class III animals, but require the experience of class II animals Smae for Spider monkeys). The permit is free. The caging requirements are a cage minimum of 6ftx6ftx6ft, with double door entry to prevent escape, though I recommend at least double that. Cage must have a nest box, manipulative toys, and other items to prevent boredom.

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14y ago

I feel that no animal should be banned from any state. Unfortunately people are stupid to say it nicely. They feel that because the little kid behavior that monkeys show is a threat. I feel that it should all be up to the individual and not the state to say who should and who should not have what pet and why. Its the person adopting a monkeys issue if anything were to happen and if you are adopting a monkey, chances are hopefully you have done your research to how they act and proper discipline.

I know that living in New Hampshire, I can't own a monkey. But there's not a single pet out there I want more. And I can't wait to move to a state to have one. My point is all animals are practically the same some just need more attention. If a dog is not trained correctly it can be something bad for your environment, but we allow dogs? I love dogs and it would be stupid for people to also banned them but that's my point. Its all in the person you are, and the patients you have in training. Treat them right and get down to business and they could potentially be world's greatest friend. Unfortunately some people in the states with stupid laws will never know.....

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12y ago

States that require monkey permits: Delaware, Idaho, Michigan, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota

States that make owning monkeys illegal: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Utah, Vermont,West Virgina, Wyoming

States with partial monkey bans(i.e. some species are banned): Alaska, Arizona, Indiana, Maine, Mississippi, Tennessee, Florida, Texas

States with no bans or requirements: Alabama, Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin ___________________________________________________________

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14y ago

Tennessee is one of the only states where it is legal to own a pet monkey. There are lots of rules surrounding the ownership of monkeys and owning baboons or apes is illegal.

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14y ago

if you are liscenced to handle/train the monkey then i think you can own it in any state, but im not completely sure

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