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A herd is what makes a horse feel safe and is how the species has survived all this time. They also need 4 good solid limbs and a place to run away from possible danger (so a horse won't feel safe in a stall where it is isolated and cannot run, until he learns he is OK, but it can be very stressful for the horse and can cause fatal ulcers until he does learn.)

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Q: What sounds does a horse need to survive or protect itself?
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How does the sea horse protect itself?

by blending in with its surroundings

How do a horse protect itself?

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How does a horse protect itself from its enemies?

Horses do not confront their enimies, they run away.

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It hides itself from predators by blending into its surroundings

If a horse does not survive what will happen?

If the horse doesn't survive, it will die.

Why someone makes horse sounds?

People want to make horse sounds because they are retarted

Who does a horse protect itself?

Horses run away when riding a horse the horse can still spook this is what horses do when they get scared or frighted but rarely they will fight but they still fight rarely for dominance but a lot of the time you will only see wild horses do this

What are the sounds made by a carriage horse?

A carriage horse may make sounds such as snorting, whinnying, neighing, and stomping its hooves. These sounds can vary based on the horse's mood, level of stress, or excitement.

A horses first instinct when afraid is?

A horse's first instinct when frightened or startled is to run away. The second instinct is to fight in order to protect itself.

What is a horse's environment it needs to survive?

they can only survive on the moon

How can you over come your fear after falling off a horse?

jump of a house and if you survive then you know you can survive a fall off of a horse

How many sounds can a horse make?

Vocal sounds are many from a nicker to a whinny and even a low growl can be heard from a horse.