burnt rubber
Interesting animals, skunks are. They're really quite mild mannered, and if you don't startle them or make them angry, they're happy to leave you alone. All they want from humans is the scraps of food that we carelessly leave laying around. They normally eat just about anything from frogs to bird eggs to whatever they can find in your garbage can. However, nature has given them a very effective means of self defense in the spray that they direct at an enemy. The spray is a chemical concoction manufactured by special glands in the skunks body. One of the ingredients is actually sulfuric acid, a very strong acid used for making car batteries and other industrial uses. To describe the smell of skunk spray is tough, as there's nothing in our daily lives that resembles it. It can, in very very small amounts, smell something like burned rubber. But, in larger quantities it is just indescribable. Once you smell it, you'll never forget it. It's very strong, and makes your eyes water and breathing difficult. It's very, very unpleasant to be sprayed by a skunk, which two of my dogs will swear to. Hopefully, you'll get a chance to find the answer for your question from a distance. And, remember, skunks are known to be carriers of rabies. If you're ever bitten by one, see a doctor immediately. Otherwise, they're really gentle critters who mind their own business. The only time I take action is if they decide to set up housekeeping under my porch. In that case, spreading mothballs around under the porch seems to chase them away. Mothballs smell to skunks like they smell to us.
It smells bad, like a skunk spray.
do you know what skunk pee smells like loser
Some strains of cannabis sativa smell exactly like a skunk.
What else smells like a skunk
a baby skunk that sprays smells just like the adults do
my dog named bowser (LOL.) farts and really smells like a skunk
Real skunk "perfume" smells just like the chemical, 'Butyl mercaptan'.
Yellow belly watersnake
Skunk cabbage flowers smell much like rotting meat or skunk smell. Other foul smelling flowers are crown imperials and roadkill skunk.
No plant smells like anything dead. Certain strains of marijuana can smell similar to a skunk.
You can tell by the smell if it smells like rotten cheese boy and if it smells like melting something girl
it is probably is spoiled.