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Male Tigers Can Grow Up To 3 Meters Long. (10 Foot.) Which Is The Length Of A Car. The Males Height Can Be 2 Metres. (7 Foot.) Females Only Range From A Length Of 2 Meters Long. (7 Foot.) And 1.4 Meters Tall. (4 Foot.) Ligers Can Be 3 Meters Tall. (10 Foot.) And 4 Meters Long.

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12y ago

200 kg and 2.5 length

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Tiger Woods golf shirts come in a variety of colors and sizes. The sizes range from small to double large, and can be purchased at the online site "Dickssportinggoods".

What is largest a lion or a tiger?

Here is the list of sizes of big cats: 1. Siberian Tiger 2. Bengal Tiger 3. African Lion 4.Asiatic Lion 5.Indo Chinese Tiger.

Approximately how large are tiger paws?

Tiger paw print sizes may vary upon breed. It is known that the Siberian Tiger, which is the world's largest cat, has paw prints that are 5.5 inches tall and 4.5 inches wide.

What are the sizes of cats from smallest to biggest?

I don't know about felis, but I know pantherinae. Cheetah, Cougar, Snow leopard, Leopard, jaguar lion tiger(siberian)

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What cup sizes are available for Tiger rice cookers?

Doing a simple search online, I can see that there are different cup sizes for different Tiger rice cookers. At Amazon, for example, I have found a 5.5 cup rice cooker for a reasonable price, while at Target I was able to find an 8 cup rice cooker. The prices vary based on the size, you should do ample research to determine the size of rice cooker that you need and then consider making the purchase online.

A cheetah or a tiger?

if they were to race the cheetah would win but if they were to fight the tiger would win

How is a Bengal tiger different from a normal tiger?

A Bengal tiger is a species of tiger, as is the Amur tiger.

What are some translations of tiger or little tiger in other languages?

In Spanish, "tiger" is "tigre" and "little tiger" is "tigre pequeño." In French, "tiger" is "tigre" and "little tiger" is "petit tigre." In German, "tiger" is "tiger" and "little tiger" is "kleiner Tiger."

What is bigger Bengal tiger or tiger?

The Siberian tiger is the biggest species if tiger today.

When was Tiger Tiger - nightclub - created?

Tiger Tiger - nightclub - was created in 1998.