The Bobcat is named for it's short, bobbed tail. It is about twice the size of an ordinary housecat and half the size of a Lynx. Their tufted ears are quite distinguishable. They are native to North America.
The bobcat is a species of lynx, a cat with a short tail, and ear tufts, weighing to 35 pounds or more.
The Mexican Bobcat is the smallest of the bobcat subspecies and grows to about twice the size of a housecat.
bobcats have bobs as a tail that's it it's name!
Along its back form its skull to and including its tail.
bobcats have bobs as a tail that's it it's name!
Bobcat, lynx.
All wild cats have tails but the bobcat and the lynx have very short (bobbed) tails.
The Bobcat is named for it's short, bobbed tail. It is about twice the size of an ordinary housecat and half the size of a Lynx. Their tufted ears are quite distinguishable. They are native to North America.
The bobcat is the most common wildcat. it is named for it bobbed tail.
A fully grown bobcat can be a little more than a foot at shoulder . They also weight up to 30 pounds and 3 feet in length including tail.
"Lynx rufus" is the scientific name for the bobcat, a species of wild cat found in North America. It is named for its distinctive short or bobbed tail.