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Make sure there are no medical problems with it. Make sure it looks alright like a normal cat would. Also, make sure it seems as healthy as can be. That is if you are going to go near the cat. You should feed the cat. It's better then letting the cat starve to death. Give the cat some milk to drink and/or some cat food or any type of fish will do. If you are thinking about adopting the cat and willing to take it in to live with you make sure it is safe. Then, take it to the vet to make sure it is healthy. If it is, then it would be best for you to give it a loving home. But, before you take it in pit some signs up with the cats picture that says "Found Cat!" to make sure the cat already doesn't already have an owner. No, owner? Then the cats all yours as long your willing to take good care of it, give it a loving home, NO ABUSE!, and don't ever turn it into a high kill shelter when you cant take care of it anymore. Leave it with a rescue that wont put the poor cat to sleep and find it another loving home.

What this all means, is technically YES! :) Good Luck!

P.S. Never get a cat de-clawed its technically abuse to them. They need their claws for protection for when their out and get attacked by an animal, they should be able to defend themselves then.

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14y ago
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14y ago

If it is not dangerous but is so starved it may die, then you should definitely feed it. Next you should call the SPCA to

a) See if anyone owns it

b) They can pick it up, give it shots, and put it up for adoption

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14y ago

regular dog food unless its a pup then soft dog food and if it has worms make sure u take it to the vet or bye meds and u should probally take it in and make sure u defintly take it to the vet

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14y ago

nothing will happen they will just want more

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12y ago

animal control can be called to take the dog away or it will die

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Q: What should you feed a stray dog?
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what should I feed my dog?

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i should feed my dog at the 3pm or 2pm?

It is best to feed your dog when you wake up but only feed your dog treats but your dog has to earn there treats have your dog go outside and use the bathroom, then at 5pm you can feed your dog for its dinner these are the best times to feed your dog

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because your a jack a if u dont

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