A baby cottontail bunny will typically nurse until the age of 4 or 5 weeks at which time the mother cottontail will wean the baby. After the baby cottontail bunny has been weaned it can easily feed itself on grass and other vegetation that it finds.
If you have a baby bunny with no mom, you can feed it a special formula called kitten milk replacer or goat's milk. You can also offer hay, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of pellets. It's important to consult a veterinarian for proper guidance on feeding and caring for the baby bunny.
yes only if the lettuce are very small
Twice a day morning and night. Then use a warm water soaked cotton ball to stimulate the baby rabbit's genetalia so that they use the bathroom. You must 'play mama bunny' until they are 2 weeks old and by then their systems should be working regularly. You need to feed them kitten replacer.
i normally feed my baby lion head bunny a slice of baby carrot.
You would normally bottle feed a baby rabbit with luke warm goats milk and make sure to keep the baby rabbit warm with a hot water bottle under a blanket.
you shoud feed your bunny or bunnies foods like carrots (not to much) pellots ,hey ,cucmbers and water
Yes, but remember that carrots should be given sparingly and as treats, not the daily food. Bugs Bunny probably has digestion problems eating all those carrots.
No! Chocolate is very bad for animals. Stick to healthy vegetables and fruits for your bunny. You should never feed animals chocolate it will give them diarrhea and in most cases the will die, even if they have a little bit of chocolate. Don't feed your bunny chocolate.
Well if the mother will not feed get a plastic needle put it on the nibble push all the air out of the needle then pull in then put in bunnys mouth then push out again
Because if you do not feed your baby it will die and you will have committed a crime for which you will be arrested.