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You should separate the father from the female boxer and the puppies once she gives birth.

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Q: What should you do when your female boxer has gave birth to her puppies and the father what happens to him-?
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What should you do when your female boxer has gave birth to her puppies and the father what happens to him?

The father needs to be separated from the female boxer and the puppies once she gives birth.

Should you separate female pit bull from male during delivery of puppies?

Yes! The father of my dogs puppies tried to eat his own children!

Can a female red heeler have an easy birth with her puppies if the father is a rottweiler?

Heelers aren't particularly small dogs so a female should be able to handle birthing a male Rottweilers puppies. However, due to the huge heads of the Rottweiler side she may have to have a C-section.

Should you get male or female puppies?

it depends on what family is looking.

Should i get a female or male dog?

you should get a female if you want it to have puppies or you should get a male if you want to play with your dog all the time i have a male dog

Can a father male dog sucessfully breed with one of its own female puppies?

Physically, yes. Just like with humans. However the potential negative affects from inbreeding are the same and should be avoided

Should you allow the father of the German Shepherd puppies around them?

If there is any doubt at all, then no. Some males are safe around puppies, and some are not. Unlike with female dogs, there is no particular parental attachment between males and their offspring. They either like puppies or they don't, regardless of whether the puppies are their own. Puppies are fragile. If you make a mistake and judge a male safe that isn't, it can result in puppies deaths. So err on the cautious side.

What age is best for your dog to have puppies?

You should not breed your female until she has had her 2nd or 3rd heat.

How long should female dog be in haven puppies?

Do you mean how old should a dog be before having puppies? If so, I generally recommend that they are at least 18 months. If you are asking how long should they be, there is no criteria, that I am aware of, for this. SYong, DVM

Should a dog be weak and unable to walk after having puppies?

No! If this happens, contact an emergency vet.

Is it normal for a female to want to be away from her puppies after just a week?

Yes it is but she should still feed them regularly and check on them.

When a dog is pregnant should the puppies be moving a lot?

What you are probably seeing is the uterus flexing its muscles to tone up to get ready to have puppies. You will see a rippling along the sides of the female dog. That is not puppies moving but the uterus toning up.