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Get him to the vet ASAP. He may be having a seizure, which is life threatening. Search for an open vet and get him over there right away.

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13y ago

take it to the vet

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Q: What should you do if your hamster will not eat or not stop shaking?
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Can a dwarf hamster eat Swiss cheese I was wondering if my hamster could eat Swiss cheese and how much should I give her?

well I got this from a hamster list and it said it should eat low fat cottage cheese and mild cheeses in moderation

How much food does a teddy bear hamster eat?

As much as it needs, he will know when to stop.

If a hamster carnt eat what do you do?

Then you should probably take it to the vet.

How much carrot should you feed your hamster?

It depends on the type of hamster and also the size of the carrot, but a typical syrian should eat just one.

What should you do with your pregnant hamster while there are another male and female in the cage?

The hamster, having more mass than a regular hamster, is ripe for the harvest. Eat it.

Can a hamster eat polyester?

No, you should not let them ! -They may try to eat it but it can lead to severe stomach and digestive problems

Dwarf hamster falls and walks with a limp and doesn't eat. what should i do?

TAKE HIM/HER TO THE VET!!!! Your hamster could have a broken leg or damaged her/his back.

What do hamsters eat when they have diharrea?

You should give your hamster Raspberry leaves. It helps them a lot.

Do you feed a hamster once or twice?

You should have a small dish tray. Just put food on the dish tray and the hamster will eat when he/she feels like it.

Can short haired hamsters eat oranges?

You should never let a hamster eat any kind of citrus fruits.

When do you know your hamster is about to deliver?

your hamster will look as if she eat a golffball sh ewill start to bit and defind the cage and eat and drink a lot and when she is like this DO NOT CLEAN THE CAGE EVEVR INTILL THE BABIES STOP NURESING AND NEVER PICK UP THE BABBIES

How do you know if your hamster is depressed?

It may eat only a little of its food or may stop eating completely. And wont be very active.