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Actually, when a dog eats even a few grams of marijuana it can have serious consequences. Dogs do NOT have the same THC receptors and so NOT metabolize weed like we (as humans) do. Symptoms of an overdose (it does not take much) are dizziness, uncoordinated, thirsty, dialated pupils, listlessness, urinary incontinence (inability to hold urine), diarrhea, vomiting, and even death is the dose is high enough. Short end of it, don't let it happen. The vet bill will be VERY high!

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14y ago
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13y ago

The dog experiences the same effects as humans. On the good side is mild euphoria, hightened senses, a deepened and often abstract thought process and, certainly, an immense craving for tasty snacks.

The catch is that poor Fido is ill prepared phsically or mentally for this experience and is more likely to bad buzz for hours. Match strong ganje with a nervous or bad tempered amimal and the situation can turn ballistic.

Most likely is the poor mut will entertain you for a short period and then curl up, space out and just not enjoy life, paranoid and unhappy.

If you score good smoke then do the right thing and enjoy it yourself. Peace.

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11y ago

You should take your dog to a veterinarian immediately - marijuana can cause severe gastrointestinal and neurologic problems when ingested in large quantities.

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14y ago

They die. ;'( RIP maxie

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