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That could be very serious. Chocolate is toxic to dogs and cats. See the link below. You'd better call a vet emergency line.

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Q: What should you do if your dog eats chocolate and gets really swollen?
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What should you do if a dog eats a lot of chocolate?

Call the vet so i does not get really sick and die.

What happen when a dog eats chocolate?

it dies the dog does not die as soon as it eats chocolate. okay, as long as it doesn't have enough. it will probably just be sick. If you think you should take it to the vet then take it to the vet.

What do you do if your dog eats 1 and a half cups of semi sweet chocolate chips?

I wouldn't worry about it TOO much. They say Dogs can die from chocolate, but that's ONLY if it's EXCESSIVE amounts of chocolate. If he starts getting a really abnormal heart beat and panting like crazy, you should take him to a vet immediately. But if not, he/she should be fine. :)

Does a dog have to have surgery if it eats chocolate?

If he ate just a bit, no. If he ate a ton, he probably won't need surgery, but he should be seen by a vet. Dogs should never have chocolate.

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What can you do if your cavalier King Charles accidentally eats chocolate?

No breed of dog should eat any chocolate because it can be toxic to dogs. The chocolate will damage their kidneys and liver function. DO NOT FEED CHOCOLATE TO DOGS.

What if rooster eats chocolate?

if a rooster eats choclate then it will get sick.

How much chocolate will dogs need to die?

im not sure but you really shouldn't feed your dogs chocolate because it will get them really sick and hurt inocent lives. A dog that eats too much chocolate will not die instantly, it will suffer severely first. Animal cruelty is illegal.

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it eats chocolate!!

Is there anything besides chocolate that cats should never eat?

Medication that is meant for people that is ingested. Hi, ok My cat eats Chocolate and doesn't get sick so idk

What are those chocolate things she eats in how to deal?

They are chocolate pears filled with liqueur.

What happens if dog eats a lot of dark chocolate?

First, dogs should not eat ANY chocolate let alone a lot of it. If a dog eats chocolate it gets sick and has a chance of dying because the cocoa in chocolate contains something that is very harmful to dogs.