beat the dog until it throws it up! duh!
No! You can't do that. You'll hurt it. If your dog eats the whole bottle, then you should contact the vet. If it only eats a little bit, then you don't need to do anything about it.
Clean out the baby's mouth the best you can and see a pediatrician.
No, baby wipes are not meant to be ingested and can be harmful to a dog's digestive system. Ingesting a baby wipe can cause gastrointestinal issues or blockages in the dog's intestines. If you suspect your dog has eaten a baby wipe, you should contact your veterinarian immediately.
if a dog eats mice poison you should see a vet about it
until he eats the baby
no, ofcourse not. dont leave me i love you... joke no, dont put baby powder or it may harm the dog's paws
if your dog is white, rub a handful of talcum powder or baby powder vigorously into your dog's coat. This will make the coat look less oily and dirty, but this process should not be used to replace regular baths. It will make your dog look clean for about 2 days. happy grooming!
The Dog doesn't eat its Puppy..She just licks them. It's natural, don't worry :)
its okay it he or she dose my do has and he or she should be fine
their stomach will get very upset and there is a probability, depending on the dog, she might get some dog characteristics, OR she could also get the worms and parasites the dog has
no. if your dog eats grass, most likely he/she has diarrhea
You should take them to the vet right away!
take it to the vet immediately