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German Shepherds are bred to spend long hours trotting every day as they herd. They are high energy dogs that require a lot of exercise both physically and mentally. Without that exercise they can become destructive out of boredom. Increase your dog's exercise. He or she should have at least three 15 minute sessions of vigorous activity, such as playing ball or biking, every day in addition to potty outtings and at least one walk. If you don't have that kind of time to care for a dog, then a German Shepherd is not the right dog for you. Train your dog. The dog's mind also needs exercise. German Shepherds are highly intelligent. If you do not direct that intelligence to something constructive, they will figure out things you wish they hadn't instead. One of mine likes to turn up the air conditioner and another thinks it is funny to deadbolt the door when I go outside. Reduce boredom. Give your dog something to do while you are away. Give him or her a stuffed kong or hide your dog's food in various places so he or she must search for it.

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Brian H. Wootton has written: 'German Shepherd Dogs' 'The German shepherd dog' -- subject(s): German shepherd dog, German shepherd dogs

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Yes, you can have a German Shepherd and a Boxer living together.

Is a German Shepherd a type of dog?

Yes. A German Shepherd is a type of dog.

Is bolt the superdog a German shepherd?

Yes! A white German Shepherd to be exact.