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First mother cats never leave their kittens alone because they are still babies and don't know how to take care of themselves, usually some mother leave to get food and water and the kitties wont ever move from there possession.

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Q: What should kittens do on their first day away from the mama cat?
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Is the mama feral cat sad when you take her babies away?

She is more than sad. Unless it was an emergency, you should not have taken away her kittens.

Should you keep your mama cat closed in a kennel with her kittens?

It really doesn't matter the big thing is that they stay together at all times, although be sure to keep items in thge kennel for kittens to investigate.

How long will your mama cat mourn her kittens?

Just a few days.

How long will a cat mourn her kittens?

If the kittens die, or are taken away by humans, it can be very saddening to the mama cat, and will take a long time to get over it. If she only loses one kitten, she will take care of her other kittens. But if its all of her kittens, then she will probably grieve herself to death. She can, actually. If she has another litter of kittens, she might abandon them. Who knows; she might even take care of them. Cats are usually predictable, but sometimes, this can be VERY UNpredictable. So, you never really know. You just have to try it and see. But I would be careful. If you were to take kittens from a mama cat, forever, then you might want to take them at six weeks or older. If you can't do six weeks or older, than do at least four weeks. If they are younger than that, you must leave them with their mama, or feed them warm milk in a bottle. I can give you more information about taking care of cats if you need it. I'll tell you on the Discussion Page.

Where does kittens born?

Kittens can be born practically anywhere, wherever the mama cat is at the time of the birth. I'd imagine warm, safe environments would be ideal for a cat giving birth.

What is a baby bobcat's name?

Whatever name its mama gives it! Wooh!

Do mama cats have a favorite from the litter?

Mama cats may not have a favorite kitten, but they may show more attention to specific kittens at times based on various factors such as feeding, grooming, or social bonding. However, a mama cat generally cares for all her kittens equally.

Who was TI first baby mama?

tI fIrSt bAbY mAmA Is TiNy

How do I know what to do when a cat just has kittens?

Keep the kittens and the mama safe and warm. The mama should allow the kittens to suckle her milk. If the mama is especially exhausted you need to make sure all the kittens find their own teat and that none of them wander away. If you have any problems contact/bring them to a vet. If they are closed contact some of your friends or if you are a kid your parents and they might be able to help you. Good Luck!:)

Where do farm cats have their kittens?

Cats will usually go somewhere dark, safe, dry, warm, and secluded to have their kittens. When I was a child we had an outdoor cat that had her kittens inside an old truck that sat on our land. We had to pry open the doors to get mama and her babies out, and take them inside so they would be safe.

Mc lyte is lil mama mother?

No. Lil Mama's mother passed away from colon cancer.

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Clay Walker... If you Google mama fore she was mama it shows up as the first 37,000 hits or so...