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limestone is made underwater from the shells of animals. We know this because limestone also contains many fossils.

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Q: What sedimentary rock is made underwater from the shells of animals?
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What sedimentary rock is made underwater from shells of animals?

limestone is made underwater from the shells of animals. We know this because limestone also contains many fossils.

What is sedimentary rock made from shells and sea animals called?

I think you are describing a type of limestone called coquina.

A type of organic sedimentary rock made of the mineral calcite and formed largely from the shells of ocean animals?

Any Type Of Limestone

Is limestone a sedimentary rock made from shells of sea animals?

Yes, limestone is a sedimentary rock primarily made up of calcite and aragonite minerals, which are derived from the shells of marine organisms. Over time, these shells accumulate and are compacted to form limestone rock.

What class of sedimentary rock is made of fragments of rocks minerals shells?

Clastic sedimentary rocks.

What class of sedimentary rocks is made of fragments of rocks mineral and shells?

== == Clastic sedimentary rocks.

Can Plant and animals form sedimentary rock?

Skeletal remains of many sea creatures settle on the ocean floor. Here they mix with sediments and eventually become sedimentary rock.

Are clam shells sedimentary rocks?

Yes, clam shells are made of calcium carbonate, which is a common mineral found in sedimentary rocks like limestone. Over time, these shells can become compressed and buried, eventually forming sedimentary rocks through the process of lithification.

What class of sedimentary rocks are made of fragments from rocksminerals and shells?

Clastic sedimentary rocks are made of fragments from rocks, minerals, and shells. These fragments, called clasts, are compacted and cemented together over time to form rocks like sandstone, shale, and conglomerate.

Is limestone from shells chemical organic or clastic?

Limestone made from shells would be an organic sedimentary rock.

What class of sedimentary rocks is made of fragments of minerals and shells?


What organic sedimentary rock is made of microscopic shells?

Limestone and chalk.