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There is no preset date that hedgehogs decide to hibernate. It is not usually until November,December or January that larger Hedhehogs finally settle down to hibernation. It really depends on the air temperature.

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14y ago

Hedgehogs hibernate during the cold of winter

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When to hedgehogs hibernate?


Do hedgehogs migrate?

no but they hibernate

Do hedgehogs and gophers hibernate?

Hedgehogs DO hibernate.Gophers, I dont know.

Animals that hibernate that start with h?


Which British mammals hibernate?

Hedgehogs, Dormice and bats.

Do hedgehogs hibernats?

Hedgehogs can hibernate, but for the African Pigmy/pet variety it's usually deadly for them to try.

Do hedgehogs live underground?

Hedgehogs live above ground, and are generally nocturnal. They hibernate during winter.

What british mammals hibernate?

Hedgehogs badgers rodents owls

Will hedgehogs hibernate in your house if you have 1?

yes hedgehogs could potentially hibernate if it gets under 65-60 degrees Fahrenheit. this can be fatal for them since they do not know how to do it right and will starve to death

How does a hedgehog adapt to wiinter conditions?

Forest hedgehogs hibernate. However, if Desert hedgehogs are exposed to cold conditions, they die.

Where do you think hedgehogs might find a sheltered place to hibernate?


Is it just hedgehogs and badgers and squirrels that hibernate in Britain?

Of those species only one, the hedgehog, hibernates. Squirrels and badgers often reduce their activity during the winter, but they do not hibernate. Among the British mammals, hedgehogs, dormice and bats are the only ones that truly hibernate. A host of reptiles, amphibians and insects also hibernate.