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Don't laugh.

Listerine, fart putty, and, if all else fails, keep a cinnamon shaker in your pocket and shake it near their face if they are doing something you don't want them doing. It's not that cats hate cinnamon, but the powder, without hurting them, makes their breathing slightly more difficult while it still lingers in the air.

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16y ago
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11y ago

The most natural cat repellent, that is safe to use, is Ultrasonic devices. They use discomforting effects of in-air ultrasound, they are much more safe than those which hurts the animal, or gives any physical damage.

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11y ago

Many individuals are greatly annoyed by the neighborhood cats using their flower beds as litter boxes. There are a few natural cat deterrents that can be made at home. Lemon is a fresh and pleasant scent to humans but not liked by cats. Eucalyptus is a known deterrent to many animals and also deters fleas and mosquitoes. To make this deterrent combine one litre of water, the zest of one lemon and twenty drops of eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle.

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12y ago

loud noise, being thrown into a pool, and if something is charging at the cat with great speed.

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10y ago

Moth balls

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Q: What scents deter cats?
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What scents do cats like?


What smells or taste will repel crows?

Crows are often repelled by strong scents such as peppermint, citrus, or vinegar. These scents can disrupt their sense of smell and discourage them from staying in the area. Mixing these scents with water and spraying it around can help deter crows.

Why do people put plastic bottles of water in the garden?

They are supposed to deter cats.

Does not having cats neutered make them go to the bathroom more?

Not necessarily, but male cats will tend to spray their urine to mark their scents.

Will ammonia poured around cat areas get rid of cats?

seeing as how cats urine contains a high concentrate of ammonia it is doubtful there is a plant that will dter cats but the name is lost to me at the deter cats naturally with plant

Why do plants scratch and sting?

Plants do these things to deter their natural (and not so natural) predators, such as dogs, cats, bears etc.

What is the homophone for scents?

The homophone for "scents" is the word "sense."

Why do cats run away when you move to a new home?

Cats are territorial animals and feel safest in familiar environments. Moving to a new home can be stressful for them because they need time to adjust to the new surroundings and scents. Running away may be their way of seeking out familiar scents or finding a safe hiding spot until they feel comfortable.

How can you stop your neighbor's cat from being mean to your kittens?

Unrelated cats are instinctively hostile toward kittens that are not theirs. There are some exceptions, such as when nursing mother cats encounter kittens that are not theirs, or when the cats are around one another enough that they share common scents and lose their unfamiliarity.

How do you keep stray cats out of attic?

You can try to deter cats from climbing into your attic by spraying ammonia or vinegar around entry points. The most effective option, however, would be to seal off all attic entrances.

Does mothballs keep cats away?

Because they can be fatal if ingested, mothballs are not a safe choice to deter cats. Two safer alternatives are vinegar and ammonia.

What is the synonym and antonym of the word deter?

A synonym of deter is divert. An antonym of deter is support.