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Because the Aztecs had never seen horses, they believed that the men riding in on horses were gods. Instead of fighting back against the conquistadors, they allowed them among them and even offered them gifts. By the time that they realized that the conquistadors were not gods, but enemies, it was too late for them to fight back.

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Q: What role did horses play in the conquistador's victory over the Aztecs?
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What was the advantage the Aztecs and Inca's held over the conquistadors?

They had guns.

What was an advantage the Aztecs and Inca's held over the conquistadors?

They had guns.

What year did the Incas take over the Aztecs?

The Incas never took over the Aztecs. Both were destroyed by the Spanish Conquistadors in the early 16th century.

Who brought wild horses?

conquistadors brought wild horses over when they came in the U.S.A from spain.

How were the Aztecs so easily defeated by the small group of Spanish Invaders?

The Aztecs weren't as advanced as the conquistadors. The Aztecs had cotton shields and used clubs studded with sharp obsidian rock. Meanwhile, the Spanish had horses the Aztecs had never even seen a horse before in their lives. The Spanish also had gunpowder and metal armor and their guns could easily take out an Aztec jaguar warrior. The Aztecs were also destroyed by the new diseases that where brought over by the Spanish conquistadors. The Aztecs had almost no allies because the other tribes joined the Spanish in taking out the Aztecs.

What do the conquistadors do?

They took over the American natives (Incas, Aztecs) and took the wealth for themselves and Spain.

What is the advantage of spanish over the Aztecs?

Spanish conquistadors had advanced weapons, armor, horses, and military tactics that gave them a significant advantage over the Aztecs, who primarily relied on traditional weapons such as spears, arrows, and clubs. Additionally, the Spanish had the support of various indigenous groups who were enemies of the Aztecs, which weakened the Aztec resistance. The Spanish also brought diseases such as smallpox that devastated the Aztec population.

Who didn't contribute Spanish victory over the Aztecs?

The Native Americans.

What advantage did the Aztec warriors have over the Spanish conquistadors?

The Aztecs were a huge empire and had many people and they could've easily ambushed Hernan Cortez and the other Spanish Conquistadors when they first arrived

What helped the Spanish take over the Aztecs?

Guns horses and better technoligy

What reasons explain the rapid success of the Spanish conquistadors over Native Americans?

The Spanish had superior weapons. Guns and cannons trump arrows and spears. Horses gave them advantages as well. They had armor that protected them against most of what the Aztecs and Incas could throw at them. In addition, many Aztecs thought that the Spanish looked like their gods. And the Spanish unknowingly brought smallpox with them that the Aztecs and Incas had no natural immunity for.

What were reasons for spanish victory over Aztec?

the Spanish brought smallpox to the Aztecs, wiping there population out and the Spaniards were treated like gods and tricked the Aztecs into finding gold for them and treated the Aztecs harshly.