Donner. (not the best riddle because Doña is pronounced "dohn-ya")
Ask him.
Half, but he considers himself one.
The latter of the two, as "everyone" is a plural designation.
Yes, he considers himself a simple Buddhist monk.
No, Savage was born Jewish, but considers himself an atheist.
Because he considers himself to be the leader of his particular pack.
Christian Bale was born in Wales but considers himself English. Timothy Dalton was born in Wales and also says the same. Tom Jones is 25% Welsh ancestry and considers himself Welsh.
He considers himself a very famous writer, he thinks very highly of himself, and he can be very gruff sometimes.
Former President Clinton now considers himself a vegan.
He believes his quadriplegic state is a blessing.
A zymurgist is a person who practises or studies zymurgy, or who considers himself a knowledgeable brewer.