A jackolope has horns and they dont exist
If the attacker is small enough, a good bite would work but since the rabbit is prey animal, the best defense is to run, run as fast as it can.
The answer is the hallmark of our early American Literature, Moral Ambiguity. It is dependent on the personality of the wild Jackalope.
It's a taxidermist created fictional animal. that's what it is! In some outdoor sports stores you may find a stuffed rabbit with antelope horns or deer antlers added. THey call it a jackalope. It's also a fictional animal.
They can have horns
narwhals have horns
yes they do have horns
In Wyoming rabbit heads are sold with deer horns attached, so if one does not actually see the surgery, it must be true. Bill Quinn Shenzhen, China wrquinn4@yahoo.com
Horns of a Dilemma
No snakes have horns.