The Boxer is a member of the Working Dog Group.
Doberman Pinscher, Boxer, German Shorthair Pointer... is this multiple choice?
A boxer dog is a jogger because it is a submissive dog.
because boxer dog is very powerful dog and energatic dog
I Think a Boxer Dog is betterReally it depends on the person's taste because my mom likes the teacup poodle.But i like the boxer dog.
the dog species boxer is called the same in French.
A boxer can be a person who fights in a boxing match or a boxer is a type of German Dog.
Which is a better companion between a boxer girl dog and a boxer boy dog depends on how well you bond with each. Boxers are wonderful dogs with giant and sweet personalities.
You can buy a Bengal cat and a boxer dog at a licensed breeder in your area.
No, they were originally bred as watch dogs. Dog organisations now class them as 'working dogs' though most of them are now family pets. It is thought that it was originally bred from hunting breeds.