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Wolves can cause various problems to society. Here are just a few:

  • eating farmers livestock (ex. chickens, cows, pigs, etc.)
  • coming into town and scaring people
  • they can spread rabies since they are mammals
  • eating pets who are left outside
  • stealing dogs (often to mate with or to get into their pack)
  • making a danger in wolf infested areas
  • etc.
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13y ago
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14y ago

Well, the main things are that people hunt, them and their habitat is decreasing.

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14y ago

We sometimes shoot them and we used to build pits. We do this because they endanger our livestock.

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16y ago

It is endangered

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Q: What problems do wolves face from humans?
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What omnivore eats a wolf?

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Could humans ever be wolves?

No Humans will never be wolves.

Is it really possible for humans to communicate with wolves?

Humans and wolves have been able to communicate with dogs and wolves for thousands of years. Wolves in the wild are suspicious of humans and will likely not interact if not necessary.

Do wolves love humans who love them?

Wolves are wild animals, they have no love of humans

What is the predator for wolves?

Humans are the biggest threat to wolves.

Are humans wolves and hares all carnivores?

No. Humans are omnivores, wolves are carnivores, and hares are herbivores.

Why are red wolves becoming extict?

because of humans. humans have been killing red wolves for their fur

What eats wolf that humans do?

Wolves don't have any natural predators. Humans are the only predators to wolves.

What is a wolves predador?

humans and other wolves and maybe a bear

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Why is it hard to photograph wolves?

it is hard to take a photo of wolves because wolves are shy creatures so where ever humans in humans inhabit they will stay away