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I have absolutely no idea, but they are not poisonous to cats. If you want cats to keep away from your garden, there isn't really any way to keep them out. However, you could put a motion-activated noise maker, also used to keep raccoons out of garbage cans. It will make a loud noise, such as an owl hooting and swooping down, a wolf's howl, or a dog barking. If your cat hears these things so close, I'll tell you she'll probably run like h*ll.

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8y ago

The best plant is Rue, the herb of grace, I think it is ruta graevolens.

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Q: What plants keep cats away?
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You should not use Clorox or any type of bleach to keep cats away. Clorox and bleach are poisonous and can kill the cats.

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i would say so. i have 3 cats, but im not gonna try that on them.

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I have never heard of that, but citrus peel tends to keep cats away, they hate it with a vengence

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You can use citrus peels, coffee grounds, or vinegar around your house to repel cats. Additionally, planting certain plants like lavender or rue can also help keep cats away. Lastly, there are commercial repellents available that are specifically made to deter cats from certain areas.

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Would soapy water keep garden bugs away from potatoes plants?

it will keep certain bugs away from all types of plants.