Rice is now found in many of the canned pet foods. Rice is a digestible food for a dog and there should be no reason why it couldn't be mixed with puppy chow.
Yes, she has a dog named Baylor and he is a Husky.
does she has a pet dog? is incorrect, it should be does she have a pet dog? And has she a pet dog? is correct also.
pet supplies
It's certainly not the best food-it has a good deal of fillers in it-but it's not going to hurt your pet either.
If your husky is lethargic, you should take him or her to the veterinarian immediately. It could be nothing, but your pet could be ill and need treatment.
lab because they dont have a thick coat
BoBo OR Call him Roy, I have a pet Ant with the same name.
I would say a husky would be a much better pet. I would not get a wolf if you do not have a permit or papers.
You can use any kind of dog brush on a Siberian Husky. However I would recommend the FURminator, I have a 2 year old Husky and it works very well. You can buy one at Pet Smart, PetCo or find one at furminator.com.
He pet the dog gently trying to calm it. One should never keep a lion as a pet.Yes , I have a pet dog. It is black in color.
It really depends on what kind of dog food you have at your house. Some dog food can make a pig sick or eving kill it. MORE: Pet stores sell pig chow and it is made for a pig. I had a pot belly and fed him the chow with things mixed into it so he had a balanced diet.