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the claws and mouth

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Q: What part of the mouth do cats use to get food?
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What body parts do cats use to get their food?

Cats use their noses and scent glands in their mouths to find food. They use claws to pull food toward them or to hold a prey. They then use their mouth, teeth, and gums to pull apart and chew food.

How do cats get their food in their mouth?

They use the grip on their tongue and scop it up into their mouths and chew

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My sisters

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What body part does fish use to get food?

mouth or gills

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It's mouth.

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What body part does lion use to get food?

The lion get thier food by using their mouth to grab their food.The lion is on the family on the cats,The lion is a carnivorous animal.... :) Like us on facebook ... section one

What body part of the squid used in getting food?

They use their tentacles to catch and bring in their prey. Then the drag it to their mouth.

What body part do sheep use to eat their food?

Bit Simple Mate. They Eat Grass. Yes Grass.