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Q: What other animal lives in the same habitat as the porcupine?
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What other animal lives in the same habitat as flamingos?

Another animal that lives in the same habitat as flamingos is: alligators.

What is the opposite animal of a porcupine?

Another porcupine, facing the other way. The unporcupine is extinct. Oh wait, what about a HEDGEHOG?

How is an organism's habitat different from its niche?

An organism's habitat refers to the physical location where it lives, including the environmental factors present. On the other hand, an organism's niche refers to the role it plays in its ecosystem, including its interactions with other species and its specific adaptations for survival. In essence, a habitat is where an organism lives, while a niche is how it lives within that habitat.

What is the difference between an animal's habitat and a niche?

A niche is a place where the animal sleeps or hangs out at, and the habitat is where it lives and the climate it lives in. A squirrel's niche would be a hollow tree and its climate is really anywhere other than the tundra or any other cold climate.

What makes a habitat a habitat?

A habitat is an environment where a specific plant or animal species naturally lives and thrives. It provides the necessary food, water, shelter, and space for the survival and reproduction of that species. Habitats can vary widely depending on the needs and adaptations of the organisms that inhabit them.

What is a 'Habitat'?

A habitat is a place where organisms live that has every thing that organism needs. The official definition for the word habitat is "the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism."the area where an organism lives, including the biotic and abiotic factors that affect the organism.a habitat is where species lives. for example the polar bear live in Antarctica, a cold, ice, place not in a jungle

Why is one animal called a hedgehog and the other porcupine?

Because they are different animals.

What is the name of the animal with spikes?

The most common animal that has spiky hair is the porcupine. Humans, monkeys, apes, cats, dogs, and other furry mammals can also spiky hair.

How does habitat and niches relate to eatch other?

There niche is how they survive and habitat is were it lives.

What is the difference between niche and habitat?

A habitat is the physical location where an organism lives, while a niche refers to the role that an organism plays within its ecosystem, including how it obtains food and interacts with other species. Essentially, a habitat is the "address" of an organism, while a niche is its "job".

Do all animals have a habitat?

Yes, all animals have a habitat where they live, find food, and raise their young. A habitat provides the necessary resources for an animal to survive, such as food, water, shelter, and suitable conditions for reproduction. Each species of animal has specific habitat requirements that are essential for its survival.

What is the natural environment of a plant or animal?

The natural environment of a plant or animal refers to the specific ecosystem or habitat where it typically lives and thrives. This environment provides the necessary conditions, such as climate, soil, food sources, and other interacting species, for the plant or animal to survive and reproduce successfully. Any significant changes to this natural environment can impact the plant or animal's ability to survive.